Feb. 9, 2010
We had another Dr.
appt. today. Things are going well. I have only gained 2 lbs so far but then was told to expect to start gaining from here on out. =( (Mixed emotions on this) I was about 10 lbs more than I wanted to be to start with so doesn't that even out somehow? In my mind it does I think the baby could just absorb those lbs I don't want and didn't need so I don't have to gain quite as much. Oh well! The heartbeat was good and strong, averaging about 150 beats a minute. I asked the Dr. guess on boy or girl and she wouldn't say. So if you want to give me your guess they are welcome. We will know for sure hopefully in a little less than a month either way if this little one will cooperate. We are at week 16!
Just an update it's up to 11 lbs now! We still have several more weeks to go! Still waiting for the belly to pop out! We are week 21!
Sorry these are out of date and kind of random thoughts!